Justin Henriksen

Justin Henriksen

Director of Product Design

As the Director of Product Design, Justin brings 15 years of expertise in designing software. He spends much of his time between product design, UI/UX design, coaching, mentoring, and working with the teams that create stellar products for all the clients here at Volano Software. Before joining Volano Software, Justin worked at an agency, a healthcare startup, and owned his own product and web design shop called Nouvo. In each role, Justin has picked-up knowledge in SaaS, product design, user experience, marketing, and sales and applies that well-rounded wisdom to every client interaction. Justin has a wife and three kids. The kids take up most of his time by asking him to play outside or join the notorious “quick” game of hide-and-seek. He enjoys woodworking and is regularly commissioned by his wife to build new pieces of furniture for the house, loves to read books, cook new meals (which the kids typically turn their nose to), and occasionally finds time to exercise.

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