Sunday’s New York Times Magazine featured a thoughtful article by Jennifer Kahn on a relatively new teaching strategy in primary education called social-emotional learning or S.E.L. S.E.L. presupposes that emotions factor into a child’s ability to learn and that educators can and should focus on instilling “deep psychological intelligence that will help children regulate their emotions.” As a former teacher, I can attest to the challenges educators face daily in executing their lesson plans. While trying to resolve conflicts and spend time with children whose inability to effectively deal with their emotions and subsequently, their ability to interact socially with their peers, teachers and administrators can quickly fall off track. The over-emphasis on state standardized test scores diminishes the importance of teaching students how to be good citizens and how to effectively communicate and resolve problems. More importantly, I’d question the value of an education that does not focus some time to teaching kids how to better understand and process their emotions. This is young methodology and as the article concedes, could be misinterpreted and ineffectively administered. I look at the discussion on S.E.L. in terms of how to better hire, manage and evaluate the efficacy of your leaders.
Your most successful people managers possess the people skills to navigate the politics of your workplace and the diverse personalities that populate your office. I’ve seen extremely bright C-level executives with good project plans, clearly stated goals and timelines, fail to see their plan merit results due to lack of consensus, clarity and execution from their teams. In almost every case, they failed to pick up on basic cues from their people that would have helped them understand that the plan was not sold or that team members were confused. Worse yet, employees that did not feel comfortable vocalizing their confusion remained silent while deadlines passed, often misinterpreting their role and submitting the wrong work. Had these leaders possessed bona fides that do not easily show up on a resume, and certainly are not measured on any test, good plans would have had a greater likelihood of success.
According to Chicago-based CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning), there are five competency clusters that educators focus on instilling in their students. Think of your last boss and ask yourself how you’d score them on the following criteria.
Think of some of the most effective world leaders in recent memory. From Nelson Mandela to Abraham Lincoln, their ability to overcome opposition to their initiatives correlates with their own history of overcoming great personal adversity. Lincoln is a prime example of someone who would be described as having tremendous emotional intelligence and self-awareness. Can we teach these kinds of attributes? How do we look for them when hiring leaders?
February 12, 2025
Have you ever purchased a used car where the price tag was cheap? You may find yourself a week after the purchase at the intersection of 72nd and Dodge during the morning commute with a blown transmission and regret over a financial decision based solely on saving some money. Talk about a lemon of a […]
November 14, 2024
When you think about how Volano Software employees spend their time, you may envision one of our developers in jeans and their favorite gaming t-shirt-wearing headphones working on custom software. Well, that would probably be accurate. However, we also enjoy watching educational videos about workflow on YouTube in our free time. Yeah. We’re predictable. On […]
October 9, 2024
Volano Software further commits to the Omaha community by partnering with NAM to offer custom software solutions to nonprofits in Nebraska and Western Iowa. Omaha, NE, October 2024 — Volano Software, a custom software development company, is proud to announce its partnership with the Nonprofit Association of the Midlands (NAM). This partnership brings Volano Software […]
September 28, 2024
Finding a software solution to solving a business challenge can be overwhelming. We have been helping clients find the best approach for their industry challenges since 2007. The result has always been a solution based on your unique situation for a better workflow. One of the most popular questions we hear is whether to buy […]
August 21, 2024
Fall is nearly here. That means students return to school, parents settle into their routines, and summer vacations are distant memories. It also means that the Volano Summer Internship Program is now a wrap. Our two summer interns, Daniel and Micah have packed up and returned to their Fall Semester of school. Before they left, […]
August 20, 2024
OMAHA, NEBRASKA, Volano Software Company Applications for the Nebraska Innovation Fund (NIF) Prototype Grants are open now for Nebraska-based businesses searching to take their business tech from a napkin sketch to a full-blown prototype. At Volano Software, we are highly familiar with this program. In 2023, we were awarded the matching grant for our software […]