Our team at Volano is a pretty happy bunch. It’s a big part of our culture and is evident in our core values.
A recent blog post on the Huffington Post talks about how Dr. Kaufman analyzed 24 traits of 517 individuals and looked for associations to happiness. It so happened that two traits were significant predictors of happiness, or as the psychologists call it, well-being.
The first is a pretty well-known driver of well-being and that is gratitude.
The second actually ties directly into our top core value at Volano – “Love of Learning“. Our core values are very important to us. They are a part of the hiring process and part of every review. Topping the list of our core values is “Learn Constantly“.
Every day we give our team ample opportunity to learn constantly and everyone on our team embraces the challenge. Our culture would not be fun and we wouldn’t be happy doing what we do if we didn’t have the keg, the whiskey Wednesdays, the darts, the Sonos jukebox…
But most importantly, seriously, if we didn’t have our deep love of learning constantly.
August 21, 2024
Fall is nearly here. That means students return to school, parents settle into their routines, and summer vacations are distant memories. It also means that the Volano Summer Internship Program is now a wrap. Our two summer interns, Daniel and Micah have packed up and returned to their Fall Semester of school. Before they left, […]
August 20, 2024
OMAHA, NEBRASKA, Volano Software Company Applications for the Nebraska Innovation Fund (NIF) Prototype Grants are open now for Nebraska-based businesses searching to take their business tech from a napkin sketch to a full-blown prototype. At Volano Software, we are highly familiar with this program. In 2023, we were awarded the matching grant for our software […]
November 27, 2023
Volano Software – ESOP Company Volano Software Company based in Omaha, Nebraska announced recently the employees are now co-owners of the software development company. This transition ushers in continued confidence in the team during a challenging time for employee retention for many other software companies. Volano Software, celebrating its 16th year as of 2023, demonstrates […]
June 13, 2023
Data is like a vast set of building blocks, each has different shapes, sizes, and colors. Just like each brick has its unique utility, every piece of data carries a unique piece of information. As a business owner, how can you possibly start understanding what all the pieces of data from those fancy reports mean? […]
June 2, 2023
For small manufacturing companies with less than 100 employees and revenues of around $20–50 million, several key factors contribute to their success. Here are some important considerations: By focusing on these key factors, small manufacturing companies can enhance their competitiveness, achieve sustainable growth, and maintain profitability. It’s important to adapt these factors to the specific […]
June 1, 2023
Several years ago, I was working on a product that required some attention from the software product teams. This happens to all software over time because a user’s needs change, features need to be added, and bugs happen (naturally). The undertaking was large enough, so our team agreed it would be ideal to talk with […]