What fell through the cracks?

June 22, 2015

Sometimes when things fall through the cracks, it’s a huge problem. This article does an excellent job of illustrating what a classic bad system is. It was published a year ago and I’m betting it is still a problem today.

It could be better!
Volano could have built an amazing database system for the problem described above. We’ve built 100+ applications that track everything from lawn mowers (manufacturing) to medical records (government sub-contracting.) We align best with those that can use software as their competitive advantage…and where losing assets is not an option. Both web applications and mobile apps with a heavy database component.

Custom software development as a competitive advantage
If your work is falling through the cracks, we can help. Perhaps it is growing pains or maybe it is 13 year old systemic problem. Either way it very likely means you need workflow software. A software program that keeps track of your work and brings clarity and accountability to your business processes. At Volano Solutions we build ‘Software to Make Work Flow.’