Back on August 15th, Volano turned 3 years old! That was the first day that I sub-contracted at Jelecos. Rod and I had been talking about various ideas to start off on our own with for quite a while, but a consulting company was never really one of them. A few stars (clients) aligned and we thought it was the right time to take the leap. Our original plan was to have a network sub-contractors to work with on projects. Kent Templien (X-eqt) had a similar vision with his ability to sell solutions and have a network of trusted and able consultants to fill the needs of his clients. Rod and I met Kent back in our days with Customer Service Profiles when Rod and I were working on an internal system and needed some help. Kent was selling for Quilogy then and was able to bring in a very talented guy, Andrew. That was our help with sales, next, we needed help with coding. I knew Harry Berman from our kids going to preschool together. Harry had been coding as an independent for quite a while and we needed his help right off the bat. We also needed a junior and we talked Luis Pineda into becoming an independent. We were always able to keep those guys busy, along with ourselves, but we found it very difficult to find more independents in the Microsoft application development space – so we decided to hire. Luis converted to an employee about the same time we hired Doug Dawson. We had Jeremy Heeg do some contract work for us, then he came back as an employee. Our last hire was about a month ago when we picked up David Carnley as ASC IT was going down.
So that puts the total at eight for the holiday party this year! This year it’s a midtown crossing theme!
But this was suppose to be a post about our open house so here:
November 14, 2024
When you think about how Volano Software employees spend their time, you may envision one of our developers in jeans and their favorite gaming t-shirt-wearing headphones working on custom software. Well, that would probably be accurate. However, we also enjoy watching educational videos about workflow on YouTube in our free time. Yeah. We’re predictable. On […]
October 9, 2024
Volano Software further commits to the Omaha community by partnering with NAM to offer custom software solutions to nonprofits in Nebraska and Western Iowa. Omaha, NE, October 2024 — Volano Software, a custom software development company, is proud to announce its partnership with the Nonprofit Association of the Midlands (NAM). This partnership brings Volano Software […]
September 28, 2024
Finding a software solution to solving a business challenge can be overwhelming. We have been helping clients find the best approach for their industry challenges since 2007. The result has always been a solution based on your unique situation for a better workflow. One of the most popular questions we hear is whether to buy […]
August 21, 2024
Fall is nearly here. That means students return to school, parents settle into their routines, and summer vacations are distant memories. It also means that the Volano Summer Internship Program is now a wrap. Our two summer interns, Daniel and Micah have packed up and returned to their Fall Semester of school. Before they left, […]
August 20, 2024
OMAHA, NEBRASKA, Volano Software Company Applications for the Nebraska Innovation Fund (NIF) Prototype Grants are open now for Nebraska-based businesses searching to take their business tech from a napkin sketch to a full-blown prototype. At Volano Software, we are highly familiar with this program. In 2023, we were awarded the matching grant for our software […]
November 27, 2023
Volano Software: Employee-Owned Volano Software Company based in Omaha, Nebraska announced recently the employees are now co-owners of the software development company. This transition ushers in continued confidence in the team during a challenging time for employee retention for many other software companies. Volano Software, celebrating its 16th year as of 2023, demonstrates its desire […]